Motivation is significantly important for doing and finishing something in our lives. It is like fuel that generates engines. If it runs out, the engines will stop working. Maintaining motivation is needed to keep all work processes running. How can we maintain it? We will discuss that below. Motivation can emerge from various sources. It can be from external sources such as parents, teachers, friends, public figures, celebrities, or others. Or, it originates from the inside, such as personal interests, hobbies, intentions, dreams, and goals. The last sources usually have bigger effects on someone's success. Besides, motivation is also directly linked to something being done (intrinsic) or out of that (extrinsic). It is included in intrinsic motivation when we do something enthusiastically because of its appeal. On the other hand, when we do something because of rewards gotten not from itself or at the end of the process, or other reasons, it is called extrinsic motivation. Interna...