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How to Maintain Motivation

Motivation is significantly important for doing and finishing something in our lives. It is like fuel that generates engines. If it runs out, the engines will stop working. Maintaining motivation is needed to keep all work processes running. How can we maintain it? We will discuss that below. Motivation can emerge from various sources. It can be from external sources such as parents, teachers, friends, public figures, celebrities, or others. Or, it originates from the inside, such as personal interests, hobbies, intentions, dreams, and goals. The last sources usually have bigger effects on someone's success. Besides, motivation is also directly linked to something being done (intrinsic) or out of that (extrinsic). It is included in intrinsic motivation when we do something enthusiastically because of its appeal. On the other hand, when we do something because of rewards gotten not from itself or at the end of the process, or other reasons, it is called extrinsic motivation. Interna

Enjoy the Process

Nowadays, learning English is a guaranteed profitable investment. When we do it, we will get profits. Indeed when learning, we spend many resources such as energy, time, feelings, emotions, food, tools, or costs. However, all we do is worth it. It will develop ourselves to be better. Everything we learn will be useful in our lives, now or in the future.  Unfortunately, not all people want to repeatedly do it at any time, even throughout their lives. This is because we usually don't get the reward directly now but in the future. Some people feel that they don't get anything when learning English. They don't use it in daily life. So, they conclude that learning English is not useful because they don't get direct profits. As a consequence, once they finish their formal education, they stop to learn English. Other people still learn English but they don't succeed. They just feel that they have to do it. They learn because it is a demand from out of themselves. English s

Never Give Up

I strongly believe that the most important thing to be successful is never to give up. I have proven it throughout my life. The latest proof is when I successfully got a pathway scholarship for a doctoral degree program. As many as 45 candidates get the scholarship. The program will help us to reach our goal of studying in the US at least in 2026.  I have been struggling and waiting around ten years to get it which is the biggest of my dreams. I started the long journey to make my dream come true in 2014. I decided to learn English more discipline until I got a TOEFL ITP score of 500. The score was enough to get a scholarship for English training from the Indonesian Educational Ministry, the IELTS test preparation, in late 2015. The selected participants were around 40 from several universities in the entire Indonesia. We attended the full two months of training in the Language Office Centre at Gadjah Mada University.  We learned enthusiastically because the instructors were friendly a

Let's Visit Bengkulu City

Have you had a plan to spend your end-of-year holiday? If not, I will tell you one good option. You can get an exceptional and unforgettable journey, exploring my town, Bengkulu City. It is the Capital of Bengkulu Province, which is also a beautiful, plural, and friendly city. It is located on the west coast of Sumatra Island facing the Indian Ocean. You are better off coming by air. You can depart from Jakarta via the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Some airlines such as Garuda Indonesia, Lion, Batik, Citylink, or Super Jet, can be an option. It takes around one hour to arrive at Fatmawati Airport in Bengkulu City. The schedules are routine every day. You can book the tickets from the early days. Once you arrive in this city, you can stay at many budget hotels, widely spread throughout downtown, around thirty minutes from the airport. Many options can be considered, based on the cost, location, amenities, or comfort. Each hotel provides special services such as a restaurant, a s


BAB 1. PENDAHULUAN Teknologi digital dan perkembangannya Kemunculan dan perkembangan teknologi digital telah mempengaruhi hampir semua aspek kehidupan manusia di abad 21. Teknologi ini telah menjadi tulang punggung dunia industri, perangkat utama di perkantoran, teknologi pendukung sistem transportasi, alat untuk berkomunikasi, sumber dan alat pencari informasi, sumber belajar, media pembelajaran, bahkan sebagai alat dan sarana hiburan. Hampir semua aktivitas manusia menjadi lebih efisien, lebih efektif, lebih mudah dan lebih cepat berkat dukungan teknologi digital. Komputer sebagai fondasi utama teknologi digital telah menjadi perangkat paling penting di semua bidang pekerjaaan manusia. Dengan didukung beragam aplikasi serta terhubung satu sama lain melalui internet, komputer telah berhasil mempermudah, meringankan, meningkatkan kualitas, serta mempercepat perkejaan manusia. Komputer telah digunakan untuk pekerjaan-pekerjaan di depan meja seperti administrasi keuangan, administrasi pe


  Keesokan harinya, istriku mulai beraksi. Dia mengerjakan semua aktivitas yang telah kutuliskan tadi malam. Tampak kegembiraan luar biasa di raut wajahnya. Aku tidak tahu kegembiraannya itu karena apa. Apakah karena dia memang menyukai anak kucing. Atau karena anak kucing itu telah menjadi objek eksperimennya. Entahlah. Aku tidak perlu bersusah payah mencari penyebabnya. Hal yang terpenting, melihatnya gembira membuatku turut bahagia. Hari pun terus berganti. Dia memperlakukan Lala dan Lili secara adil setiap hari. M akan an dan minum an untuk mereka dibelinya di supermarket. Tempat tidur keduanya dijahitkannya dari baju-baju bekas. Tidak lupa dia juga membuatkan tempat bermain bersama. Saking seriusnya, dia juga memasang CCTV di beberapa titik rumah sehingga bisa mengawasi perilaku keduanya ketika sedang berada di kampus. Rupanya, makin lama pikiran dan perilakunya makin aneh saja. Eksperimen pertamanya baru berjalan dua minggu, tapi dia sudah mengusulkan eksperimen berikutn


  Aku baru saja menghempaskan pantat ke atas sofa di ruang tamu ketika istriku tiba-tiba datang menghampiri sambil menenteng keranjang kecil di tangan kanannya. Tanpa ba-bi-bu , tangan kirinya langsung memegang pergelangan tanganku lalu menarikku. Terpaksa aku kembali berdiri. Sepersekian detik kemudian d ia berbalik bada n lalu berjalan cepat menuju pintu depan rumah sambil terus menarikku. Dia membuka pintu dan keluar menuju teras. Tanganku dilepaskannya sebentar untuk menutup sekaligus mengunci pintu. Aku hanya berdiri bengong melihat kelakuan anehnya. Dia masih tidak bersuara. Begitu pula Aku. Sebenarnya aku sangat penasaran . Apa sebenarnya yang hendak dilakukannya. Rencana apa lagi yang hendak dieksekusinya. Walaupun begitu, aku belum berani bersuara. K ubiarkan saja dia beraksi . Setelah memutar-mutar gagang pintu guna memastikan pintu telah terkunci, dia kembali memegang pergelangan tanganku dengan erat lalu melangkah ke halaman depan rumah. Langkah kakinya